Business segment first background

A boutique of tailor-made web and mobile apps

Coding is easy. But building a Digital Product is not only about writing code. It is about user experience, maintainability, security, and performance.

Our Mission

Empower businesses of any size with top-quality Digital Products

We do

  • - Web applications
  • - Mobile applications

We do not do

  • - Configuration and management of e-commerce platforms, like Magento or Shopify
  • - Infrastructure Management

= Our favourite technologies =

NodeJsReactGoogle CloudMongoFirebase

Why us?

UsabilityFluo circle
Well-designed ux/ui interfaces really make a difference. We study and apply the best practices in the field to build products your users will love.
SecurityFluo circle
Your users do not accept any compromise on their data. Nor do we. We keep ourselves updated on the latest threats and we use up-to-date tools and methods to prevent attacks or data leaks.
PerformanceFluo circle
40% of your users will not wait more than 3 seconds for your app to load. We adopt the latest tools and study how to get the most out of the cloud infrastructure to create blazing-fast applications.

Web and Mobile

Our Method

We follow an agile methodology.
Design and implement a bunch of features, demo the app, collect feedback, deploy, repeat.
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Green arrow
Understand the needs, choose the most appropriate technology and design a proper user interface.
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Let's work together



  • - are expert in your business domain
  • - set goals and constraints
  • - provide constant feedback
  • - are an active member of the team
Curved lineLine


  • - are experts in building Digital Products
  • - design and propose UI and UX
  • - design and propose technical solutions
  • - discuss with you progress, issues, and risks
We foreground
You background
Home background feedback


Different approaches for different needs

Service Oriented

  • Prerequisites: an idea to transform into a Digital Product.
  • Sometimes final goal and intermediate steps are not known in advance. We can help you with that.
  • We will plan together iterations, each having an agreed scope and duration. At the end of an iteration we decide together whether the final goal is reached and whether it is worth continuing or not.

Product Oriented

  • Prerequisites: clear scope, goal, and constraints.
  • After a preliminary study, scope of work, economic budget and plan are agreed.
  • Still, we will work side by side with you throughout the whole project.
  • What if new requirements emerge? If budget and plan do not change, they are accepted in the scope. Otherwise, new budget and plan are discussed.

Get in touch!